
Human Performance, including: Perception, attention on, attention, memory, and complex skills like reading and drawing.
NSERC OPerating 2011-2016  $450,000 
NSERC Operating 2006-2011 $200,000 
NSERC Equipment 2004-2006  $32,000  (w/ McMullen, eye tracker)
SSHRC Operating 2005-2008 $90,000 (w/ Maycock, NSCAD) U of O
NSERC Equipment 2005-2006 $32,000+ (w/ McMullen, & Trappenberg)
NSERC Equipment 2004 $50,000  (w/ Westwood, PI, Eskes & McMullen)

Applied cognitive psychology: Design of advanced consumer telecommunications devices; reading remediation; effects of drugs & biological rhythms on performance; impulsivity and problem gambling.
CLLRnet 2003-2006 $132,000  (w/ Arnell, Barr, Joanisse & Tannock)
Bank of Canada 2006- $75,000+ (w/ Liu, Christie, & Gadbois)
Heart and Stroke foundation 2004-2005 $50,000+ (w/ Eskes, PI)
Bank of Canada 2003- $20,000+ (w/ Gadbois)
Bank of Canada 2002-2003 $83,000+ (w/ Christie, & Gadbois)

Cognitive neuroscience exploration of the selection of objects by the primate oculomotor system.
NSERC Collaborative 
1995-1998 $330,000  (PI w/Munoz, McMullen & Trappenberg)
McDonnell-Pew 1998-2000 $210,000  (PI w/Munoz & Sweeney)